Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya

Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya


Excerpts of Other Tributes





The Banaras Hindu University symbolized Malaviyaji’s respect for the past, confidence in the present and hope for the future.

                                             R. Venkataraman, President of India



 Amongst the centres of higher learning in India, Banaras Hindu University occupies a pivotal place having arisen from the crucible of the Indian nationalist movement and the struggle for independence. In the post-independence days, it provided the much needed manpower in the scientific and technological fields, vital for the reconstruction of the nation.

...visionary sage, scholar statesman...Mahamana Malaviya was its legendary founder.

K.R. Narayanan, President of India



There is a great university for ever offering worship to its founder.

                                    Dr.C.Rajagopalachari, Governor General




महामना पं० मदन मोहन मालवीय कर्मठ स्वतन्त्रता सेनानी, निर्भीक पत्रकार, कुशल शिक्षाविद एवं प्रखर चिन्तक थे I उनके हृदय की विशालता को देखते हुए बापू ने उन्हें अपनी आत्म कथा में 'भारत भूषण', 'गंगा की निर्मल धारा' तथा उनके निवास को 'गरीबों की धर्मशाला' कहा I

मालवीय जी के व्यक्तित्व में भारत की साँझी संस्कृति तथा चिंतन में जीवन के शाश्वत मूल्य परिलक्षित होते थे I 'आज' के 12 अप्रैल 1924 के अंक में उन्होंने लिखा था, 'भारत हिन्दुओं, मुसलमानों, इसाइयों, पारसियों, आदि सभी की मातृभूमि है और वे एक दूसरे के पर्याय हैं I'

मालवीय जी उच्चा सांस्कृतिक एवं वैज्ञानिक चेतना से सम्पन्न गतिशील भारत के द्रष्टा थे I काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना तथा उसमें देश के पहले रसायन इंजीनियरिंग विभाग के प्रारम्भ को मैं उनकी इसी भावना का प्रमाण मानत्ता हूँ I

     डॉ. शंकर दयाल शर्मा, भारत के राष्ट्रपति



Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya was one of the important leaders of India’s struggle for freedom who made supreme sacrifices for the country and its people. The Banaras Hindu University established by him is testimony to his commitment to high ideals of excellence in education and patotism. His ideals and vision shall always be a beacon light to guide the younger generations to work for the country’s development.

             Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, Vice-President of India




महामना मदन मोहन मालवीय एक महान नेता, प्रसिद्ध अधिवक्ता, पत्रकार तथा शिक्षा प्रचारक थे I उनका सम्पूर्ण जीवन एक शान्ति पूर्ण, खुशहाल तथा प्रगतिशील भारत के निर्माण के लिए समर्पित रहा I वे उच्च जीवन मूल्यों तथा आदर्शों के प्रतीक थे I भारतीय संस्कृति में उनकी गहरी आस्था थी I वे राष्ट्रीय एकता, समानतापूर्ण समाज तथा सर्वधर्म समभाव के पक्षधर थे I स्वतन्त्रता आन्दोलन के दौरान उन्होंने अपनी लेखनी के माध्यम से लोगों में अपने देश की संस्कृति के प्रति सम्मान, गौरव और आत्मविश्वास का भाव पैदा किया I शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में उनका कार्य ऐतिहासिक है I हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना उनके दृढ़ संकल्प और इच्छा शक्ति का प्रमाण है I महामना के जीवन मूल्यों का सम्मान करना, उसे पोषित कर आगे आने वाली पीढ़ी तक पहुंचाना हमारा कर्त्तव्य है I

                  अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी, प्रधान मन्त्री



By virtue of his learning, sincerity and patriotism, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya became one of the most highly respected leaders in our national life. …There was no doubt about his sterling personality, dedication and the nobility of his vision. The nation will long remember this distinguished leader in our struggle for political and intellectual emancipation.

Shri Morarji Desai, Prime Minister of India



Malaviyaji’s contribution to our national life is of continuing relevance. His humility and gentleness, as well as his resolute stand on matters of principle impressed all those who came in contact with him. He reached out to the people and became a source of inspiration to them during our freedom struggle. Education for Malaviyaji was an instrument for the self-development of the people and in making them aware of their own ethos. His contribution to education is epitomized by the Banaras Hindu University, living example of his great vision.

           P.V. Narsimha Rao, Prime Minister of India



महामना एक युगपुरुष और भारतीय संस्कृति के अनन्य संरक्षक थे I उनका चरित्र राजनीति, शिक्षा तथा समाज सेवा में एक आदर्श प्रस्तुत करता है I संस्कार चरित्र निर्माण के माध्यम से वे भारतीय नवयुवकों को आधुनिक ज्ञान-विज्ञान की शिक्षा से युक्त करना चाहते थे I हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना उनके विचार चिन्तन को मूर्त्त रूप प्रदान करता है I

विष्णुकान्त शास्त्री, राज्यपाल, उत्तर प्रदेश



महामना मालवीय जी के प्रति मेरे मन में स्वाभाविक श्रद्धा रही है I शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में उन्होंने जो योगदान दिया उसका महत्त्व मैं बहुत पहले से ही शिक्षा क्षेत्र से सम्बद्ध लोगों के सम्मुख रखता हूँ I अगर काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय होता तो हमारे देश में विज्ञान, टेक्नोलॉजी में इतनी प्रगति नहीं हुई होती I यह विश्वविद्यालय एशिया का सबसे बड़ा विश्वविद्यालय है और कई मामलों में अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर इसने अपनी पहचान बनाई है I इसे मालवीय जी के आदर्शों के अनुरूप ढाला जाना चाहिए I

मध्य एशिया तथा दक्षिणी-पूर्वी एशिया के देशों के साथ हमारे पुराने सांस्कृतिक सम्बन्ध हैं I इन देशों के बारे में जानकारी देने वाला कोई केन्द्र भारत में नहीं है I सांस्कृतिक दृष्टि से एक दूसरे के करीब इन देशों के संबंधों को और मजबूत बनाया जा सकता है I महामना इसी भारतीय परिवार को सुसंगठित देखना चाहते थे I इस कार्य के लिए काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय से बढ़कर कोई दूसरा केन्द्र नहीं हो सकता I

डॉ. मुरली मनोहर जोशी, मानव संसाधन विकास, विज्ञान-टेक्नोलॉजी मन्त्री



I was a student of the university and studied staying near Malaviyaji. He had great love for me. There only I studied ancient Indian literature, which left a deep impression on my life. From here, I decided to fight for social equality and later for my country’s freedom.

                                       Babu Jagjivan Ram, Dy Prime Minister


महामना पं० मदन मोहन मालवीय सच्चे अर्थों में महामना थे I उनकी मुझ पर असीम कृपा थी I 1942 के 'भारत छोड़ो' आन्दोलन में मैं जब तक जेल के बाहर फरार था, मालवीय जी ने किसी किसी तरह मुझे बराबर आर्थिक सहायता भेजते रहे I मालवीय जी जैसे व्यक्ति आज के युग में नहीं मिलते I


जगजीवन राम


'वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम' में विश्वास रखने वाले, विद्वान विचारक, कट्टर देशभक्त एवं महान समाज सुधारक पं० मदन मोहन मालवीय का नाम भारतीय समाज विज्ञान में चिन्तनशील मनीषी के रूप में जाना जाता है I स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम में उनका कार्य, हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना, सामाजिक समता आदि अनेक क्षेत्रों में उन्होंने जो कार्य किया, वह हमारी आगे आने वाली पीढ़ियों को सदैव प्रेरणा देता रहेगा I यह मेरा सौभाग्य था कि प्रयाग में मालवीय जी के श्रीचरणों में लगभग 5 मास रहकर उनकी यतकिंचित सेवा कर सका I


                   नारायण दत्त तिवारी , राज्यपाल



In a very unique and a special sense Pandit Malaviya symbolizes India not only in the minds of his own countrymen but also in the eyes of the outside world.

Nobel Laureate Sir C.V.Raman



The Hindu University is a monumental work, the credit of which is almost exclusively due to the genius, energy, devotion and self-sacrifice of one man -- The Great Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya. The University, as it stands today, is the result of the single minded devotion of one man. His was the conception, the plan and the execution. The Hindu University is pervaded by the spirit of Pandit Malaviya. He is the University and vice versa.


Of all Indian leaders I love Malaviyaji the most, though I respect Gandhiji the best. That I think is a fair distribution of honor.

  Lala Lajpat Rai, Congress President




One of India's noblest sons has passed away. In his erudition, in education, politics and Hindu religion and rites, he was without an equal. There is no doubt that the Bengal tragedy quickened his end. Let his last call to the Hindus serve to unite them and make them fearless champions for serving and saving Hindusthan.

Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Founder Bharatiya Jan Sangh



 Sitting near Malaviyaji I always felt a holiness that one feels after taking a dip in the sacred Ganga.

   Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan


Knowledge of Sanskrit classic, wide acquaintance with English history and literature, deep study of the condition of the masses and researches in current finance and commerce, all helped to adorn his discourses. The Pandit’s interests are nation-wide and are not confined to politics or education. Every good public cause has his sympathy and support.


 He has also been one of the principal organizers of the Hindu Mahasabha Movement, the object of which is to promote co-operative effort for all good purposes among the Hindus….


                                           Bharat Ratna Dr M.Visweswaraya



Mahamana Malaviyaji’s all-encompassing compassion embraced one and all, kings and paupers alike. That is why he was called Mahamana.

   Bharat Ratna Vinoba Bhave



Hindu Dharma was the most outstanding feature of his personality. It was, in fact, the very breath of his life. It pervaded his whole life as nothing else did. All his activities -- political, social, educational -- were centred in it. Yet there was nothing sectarian about it. It was not confined to any creed or dogma. He felt about Hindu Dharma as a child feels about its mother, as something indispensable without which life becomes impossible. Those who ascribe sectarianism to him do great injustice to him. His conception of Hindu Dharma could not be sectarian, for the simple reason that it was universal.

N.C.Kelkar, Member, Viceroy’s Council & Editor, Kesari



Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya placed before us the life of a Yogi who, renouncing all selfish pursuits, devoted himself solely to the service of his religion, culture and country. Benares Hindu University will stand as a monument to his patriotic effort. No Indian has done so much to popularise the Hindi language and Nagri script in Northern India as he had done. With his intense love for Hinduism he had a catholicity of spirit and breadth of view to respect other religions and their followers. He therefore had friends and admirers in every kind of people. I can venture to say that he was the common friend of all and could have been rightly styled the Ajat Shatru. He was the embodiment of piety, purity and patriotism. May his soul guide the new generations for a long time to come.

                                          Shri M. S. Aney, Governor of Bihar



I am deeply grieved to hear of the demise of revered Malaviyaji. He was one of the greatest of men ever born and his name will always be enshrined in letters of gold in the history of India. He was a devoted patriot, an eminent statesman and one of the illustrious architects of modern India. His activities were varied and he was a friend of every good cause. He was a perfect gentleman of very high ideals and character and inspired respect and affection in all those who had the privilege of coming in contact with him. While taking an active part in the fight for national freedom and the politics of the country he, at the same time successfully accomplished a lot in the constructive field and his solid achievements, particularly in the field of education, will ever continue to inspire the youth in this land. The Hindu University will serve as his living memorial and it will be the duty of everyone of his admirers to see that it fully maintains and upholds the great ideals for which he lived and worked.

                              Pandit Govind Vallabh Pant, Chief Minister, UP



Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviyaji was a great friend of my revered father....

It was my privilege, therefore, to have become acquainted with this great man early in life and to have learnt not only to respect and admire him, but also to love and be educated by him. Malaviyaji was most attractive personality and a true patriot. It was not easy to be fearless in those early days, before Mahatma Gandhi came to India to fight against British imperialism. But Malaviyaji, like Shri Gopal Krishna Gokhale, had the courage to do so and to suffer for the cause of India’s freedom. He was a master of English and a gifted speaker.


I shall never forget a high British official saying to my father that while they could bribe or frighten most people into submission, they could never get the better of Malaviyaji who “wore the white flower of a blameless life”.


I know how greatly Gandhiji loved and admired Malaviyaji, and the last time I saw him was when he was lying very ill in Delhi and I had the privilege of accompanying Gandhiji to his beside.


In ... matters of social reform, Malaviyaji was most progressive and I was specially drawn to him by his indignation at the many disabilities from which Indian women suffered.


The Banaras Hindu University is a fine monument to the memory of this great son of India, and I only hope that it will continue to uphold those traditions of Indian culture for which Malaviyaji worked, lived, and died.



 Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Union Health Minister



Next to Gandhi, it is difficult to find anyone who sacrificed so much and did such multifarious works as he.

 Sir P.C. Roy, Scientist



The chief quality in Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya was that he never talked ill even of his enemies. When Malaviyaji entered public life, there were very few people who were giving their whole time to the service of the country. But when the call came to Malaviyaji he sacrificed his lucrative practice at the Bar and worked heart and soul for the country. His pure and serene life, his simplicity, his unparalleled self-sacrifice, his intense patriotism and his manifold services will always be a source of inspiration to the Indian people.


Malaviyaji was a pillar of India's glory. His interest in the politics of the country remained undiminished till the last breath. His enthusiam and courage were such even in his old age as would bring shame to the youth of the country. His services in the field of education were most valuable. His best memorial is the immortal creation of the Hindu University.

                       Acharya Narendra Dev, Socialist Leader and V.C., BHU



If Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi can be called Mahatma Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, then Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya can be aptly called Dharmatma Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya.


Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya is nothing but heart from head to foot full of the milk of human kindness; charitable indeed certainly, but, what is less common, in judgment unselfish to a fault; tenacious in adhering to his opinions, sometimes to the point of obstinacy; at the same time with a broad toleration for the opinions and feelings of others; with any amount of respect for age and seniority; with no end of pride in his religion and country; and very sanguine about the future of his race; loyal to friends and forgiving to opponents; Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya is a model of a Hindu and a Brahmana.

                                      Sir C.Y. Chintamani, Editor, The Leader



Pandit Malaviya stands today, I venture to suggest, as a symbol of Indian unity among diversity of opinions. No person is as dear to innumerable Indians as is Malaviyaji. He has served the country with intense devotion; that is why we give him the highest place among Indian leaders of today.

Deenbandhu Andrews



 Another great personality of our country has passed away.  It was characteristic of Pandit Malaviya's life that he carried on his magnificent constructive work along with the political struggle. The Benares Hindu University is a living monument to his memory.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Education Minister of India



Pandit Malaviya was one of India's greatest sons, a selfless worker, a mighty builder and above all, the greatest patriot that had lived in India during the last 50 years.

                   Gopinath Bardolai, Premier & Education Minister of Assam



Pandit Malaviya stands today, I venture to suggest, as the symbol of Indian unity among diversity of opinions.

Mrs. Annie Besant, Theosophist & Congress President



Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya has been one of the earliest and one of the most devoted workers in the Congress cause. My memory goes back to the events of 1886 when my young friend having just left the college after a distinguished academic career for the first time spoke at a meeting of the Calcutta Congress. He was so young that he had to be lifted up on a chair in order that the audience might have an opportunity of having a look at him. He had a fascinating appearance -- which he has even now -- but the audience was more charmed by the eloquence of the youthful orator than by his good looks, and that speech -- one of the very best that I have heard -- made a deep impression upon the minds of the Congress gathering, and pointed him out as one of the future leaders of the Congress movement. The promise of 1886 has now been abundantly fulfilled and today Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya stands forth as one of the great buttresses of the Congress movement. Sober and moderate in his views, temperate but eloquent in their expression, he has been rightly declared the silver-tongued orator of the Congress.

Rashtraguru Surendranath Banerji



The services of Pandit Malaviyaji to the country are clear as day. Panditji is among those who have sacrificed their whole life for their country.

Pandit Motilal Nehru, Congress President



Once at Amritsar, a deputation of Muslim women in Burqa came to see him. Their husbands had been convicted for murder and looting of Hindus. Panditji was moved by the plight of the Muslim women, agreed to give them financial help against the wishes of local Hindu leaders. I remember Panditji saying, “why should the women be punished for the crime of their husbands?” That was Budha-like culture of the great Panditji.

  Bhikshu Chaman Lal



The honourable Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya is inseparably connected with the Hindu University and will live long in the memory of grateful posterity.

Sir Sundar Lal, First Indian V.C., Allahabad University



He was to the University more of a guardian, angel than a mere Vice Chancellor. He was accessible to all and he inspired in all those who studied and taught or served on the campus the faith that he was the well-wisher of everyone of them.

 Prof V.V.Narlikar, Physicist



Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya has attained remarkable success in the field of politics, but his most constructive work has been in the educational line. He is one of the most distinguished alumni of the Calcutta University. The Benares University is a wonderful institution. To bring it into being requ­ired a tremendous personality, a power of organisaton like that of Pandit Malaviya. There are people who may have differences of opinion as to Malaviyaji's political views, but I dare say there is none who will deny the fact that Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviyaji is a gentleman undoubtedly with the most remarkable power of organisation.

              Dr Sir Hassan Suhrawardy, Vice Chancellor, Calcutta University



The passing away of Pandit Malaviya will be regarded as a great calamity in every Indian home. He was one of those giants, born about the middle of the last century, who in their several ways helped to build a new India. Pandit Malaviya had big conceptions and made big contributions to our national life. His services in connection with the Punjab disturbances will never be forgotten by his countrymen.

  Shri Sarat Chandra Bose, Freedom Fighter and Leader, Forward Block




Malaviyaji was a staunch Dharmic person. Dharma and communalism are not the same thing. A true Dharmic person cannot be communalistic; he remains a gentleman.

                  Ishtiyak Hussain Quereshi, Vice Chancellor, Delhi University



The Banaras University is Pandit Malaviya‘s crowning achievement. It is a stupendous monument to his peculiar genius, his piety, his audacity in conception, his persistence in execution, his magic influence in the world of Pandits and in that of Princes…. Utterly devoid of personal ambition, he never bothered to gather a party around himself, or found a school of thought. SurendraNath, Mehta, Gokhale and now Gandhi – to these he has always yielded first place with reverence and whole-hearted admiration. He is without a particle of envy or malice. When the world of politics is in convulsion, the unwavering loyalty of the Pandit to the Indian National Congress is in the nature of a romantic attachment. It led him to seek imprisonment for the second time.

     Hon’ble V.S. Srinivasa Sastri, Member, Council of State



Patriotism, in the best sense of the term, a burning love for the country of his birth, and a very keen desire to ameliorate the conditions of his fellow-countrymen, have been the striking key-notes of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya’s character as a public man.

            Sir Sachidananda Sinha, President, Constituent Assembly of India



Without exaggeration it may be said that Malaviyaji during his waking moments lives for India and if during sleep he dreams, they must be about India. India fills his whole being, her love is his inspiration and her service is the only object of his life.

                   Munshi Iswar Saran, Member, Central Legislative Assembly



God said ‘Let there be Light’ and there was a light. Malaviyaji said ‘Let there be a University’ and there was the Banaras Hindu University. He built the University brick by brick. If we would understand the language of the bricks, we would hear them singing today to the eternal glory of this master builder.

                 Professor M.B.Rane




Pandit Madan Mohan Malviyaji was one of the most eminent leaders of India. There was hardly any important aspect of Indian National regeneration to which he did not make a substantial contribution. The Benares Hindu University, which is big monumental work, embodies his love and devotion to our great ideals and illustrates how wisely he realised the need of a nation in the making. He took an abiding interest in developing the scientific and technological studies at BHU. He played an eminent part in the political, social and other activities of the nation and as a gifted orator, with tremendous power of moving his audience, he continued throughout his long life to be a great advocate of the country's Cause.


But Malviyaji was not only a political leader, a social reformer and a great educationist. He was also in the true sense of the term a great "Rishi", reminiscent of our glorious past. He led a life of dedication and was instinctively responsive to every noble cause. Full of zeal, optimism and self-confidence which characterized all his activities, he worked ceaselessly for the betterment of the world he lived in. His spotless character, his boundless faith in God, his saintly life and his spirit of accommodation endeared him to all and he was held in great respect by everyone -- princes and people of different views and persuasions. His personality had a powerful charm and his smile was winning and persuasive. Imbibing all that is best in the West, he held fast to the old Brahmanical way of life and was an embodiment of love and purity, of spirituality and sympathy. He combined to a rare degree, a synthesis of the ancient and the modern, a blending of the eastern and the western culture. He inspired all who came in contact with him and generated in them a feeling of respect for his ideals. His contribution to the renaissance of modern India is really unique in the modern world of materialism. Malviyaji is no longer with us but his immortal work and his high ideals will continue to inspire for long the present and the future generations in our country.

                                       H.H. Maharao Umed Singhji of Kotah



To few men is given to conceive great and noble things for the benefit of their fellowmen; to fewer still is given the good fortune to see their noble conceptions nobly realised by their own efforts. Of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, the revered founder of this University, it can be truly said that he not only had the vision of dedicating a new temple to Saraswati in the ancient and sacred city of Banaras, but also the tenacity of purpose to achieve its material realisation, and within his own life-time to see it become the great seat of learning that it is today.

                                  Maharaja Ganga Singh Bahadur of Bikaner



Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya was one of the greatest sons of India. It is well known how he fought for ending the foreign subjugation of India on different fronts.  While putting his full weight on the political side of the struggle he also strove to develop the social and spiritual side all through his life. The proceedings of the Indian National Congress, Provincial and Central legislatures, the Banaras Hindu University, the Sanatan Dharma Mahasabha, and the Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, amongst others, will bear ample testimony to his indefatigable effort in this direction. He endeavoured to catch up with the spirit of the modern world without disturbing the old principles and ideals that have stood the test of time. His persuasiveness, eloquence, lofty character and unshaken faith in God enabled him to achieve remarkable successes. With unique devotion he had dedicated his life to the Nation, but these are things well known to most of us.


I would like recall on this occasion the connections that existed between my family and his. His father was an erudite Pandit reputed for his exposition of our ancient lore. My grandfather used to invite him, off and on, for expounding the Bhagvata. Thus, in the ancient land of Sanskrit Scholars, he was a familiar figure those days.


It was Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya who brought the message from Pandit Ayodhyanath to my uncle, Maharaja Sir Lakshmishwara Singh Bahadur, conveying that the Lieutenant Governor of U.P. had made it difficult for the Congress to hold its session in Allahabad as announced, and if he could help it to get a place for the same, it would vindicate national honour and be a fine retort to the unimaginative Governor. My uncle immediately responded; and the session was held in the Darbhanga Compound at Allahabad.


Again, my father was his close collaborator in founding the Banaras Hindu University. He travelled with him through-out the length and breadth of India for princely donations and helped the smoothen the way of legislation for the purpose. The friendship between them brought him frequently to our house and I had been seeing him since my infancy.


He came to Darbhanga to bless me on the occasion of my installation as the Maharajadhiraja of Darbhanga in the year 1929; and I used to have frequent consultation with him regarding various public matters. My admiration for him grew day by day and I did my bit to further some of the causes he espoused.


His relinquishing of the Vice-chancellorship of the Banaras Hindu University was a memorable event in the life of the University. Had it not been for the fact that he was to be succeeded by another man of great eminence and scholarship in the person of our Vice-President Dr. Radhakrishnan, the incident would have been viewed with dismay. It was my privilege to preside over the meeting of the University Body which came to the decision; and I remember the feelings that pervaded the entire University campus. It was one of the sorrow mixed with hope. That was because of the high respect and affection he had engendered in the hearts of all concerned.


That was of course not the end of his work. He thought and worked for our motherland till the last breath of his life and today I take the opportunity to offer my respectful homage to his blessed memory, which I trust, will guide and inspire the successive generations of our countrymen.

Maharaja Sir Kameshwar Singh



The Working Committee places on record their profound sense of grief and loss at the death of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, who served the country with signal devotion in various capacities for an unbroken period of over sixty years and who was thrice President of the Indian National Congress. India thinks of his manifold services and achievements with pride and gratitude. He was an embodiment of the rich culture of India and reminded us of the Rishis of old. In the Benares Hindu University we have a memorial of his sacrifice, energy and love of India. The Working Committee offers its homage to his memory.

                        Congress Working Committee Resolution, 21-11-1946


Malaviyaji has left behind him an inspiring monument of his selfless devotion in the Benares Hindu University to which he dedicated so many years of his life and the best that was in him. His was a noble life, lived for great causes and India owes a debt to him which cannot be repaid.

Dr. Sir V. T. Krishnamachariar, 1st Dy Chairman, Planning Commission



 The devotion, sincerity and selflessness with which Pandit Malaviya worked for 60 years for the national cause must be rare in the annals of any country. There were few men in India who could be mentioned in the same breath as Pandit Malaviya.

Pandit Hirdyanath Kunzru, President, Servants of India, Society



‘‘Pratah Smaraniya Pujya Malaviyaji was the prime mover and the greatest leader to patronise the cause of Hindi. Both in politics and education he acted as a forerunner of an era and initiator of the transformation of an age.’’

                       Rajarshi Purusottam Das Tandon, Freedom Fighter



A great figure had passed away from the Indian scene. He was not only a great parliamentarian but a great educationist and social reformer.

Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, Muslim Leader & Governor West Punjab



 Pandit Malaviya, was one of the most illustrious of our national leaders. He led a selfless and strenuous life which was worthy of emulation by the younger generation. He did his work with skill and independence and we found in him a great and fearless critic of the Government. His speeches on the Sedition Bill and the Press Act are well-known. He was a great citizen of India."

              Sir Manekji Dadabhoy, Industrialist & Member, Council of States



We knew Pandit Malaviya from his school days. Later his reputation as an educationist grew. That reputation would always be remembered. There might be political differences with Pandit Malaviya, but in spite of those differences, the respect for him was very high.

Mohammad Yamin Khan, Member, Legislative Assemby 



In the passing away of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, India has lost the Grand Old Man of India, a great patriot of unrivalled self-sacrifice who has given of his best to the service of this country for over 60 years -- the father of the Benares Hindu University. A Brahmin living up to the ideal and best traditions of Sanatana Dharma.

Dr. Alladi Krishnasawmi Aiyar, Member Constituent Assembly.



Malaviyaji is dead only physically. Spiritually he will continue to live and inspire India for many generations.

G. D. Birla, Industrialist.



Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya is one of the most honoured and respected of the moderate leaders. While there may have been any differences of opinion on ordinary matters whenever there was a crisis or some great national service to be done he has proved that there is no greater patriot than he. When the Press Act was before the Council some people supported it, one or two Mahammadans even supported it, but Panditji was the first person to oppose it in the Council. When the Defence of India Act was put forward, many people wavered but Panditji stood firm. In the end when our opponents wanted to create divisions amongst ourselves and thus weaken the Congress it was he who came out of the moderate camp and led us. In grave national events he has been only guided by a sense of national duty.

Maulana Hazrat Mohani, President, Muslim League



In my opinion Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya will rank high in any group of American educational statesmen. His passion is for education; but he is not a mere visionary. A talk with him will convince even a hard-boiled Anglo-Indian how vigorously and incisively and sensibly he has dealt with every situation and problem arising out of the Hindu University during the past few years. He is a far sighted, warm hearted and lovable man. Malaviya, to my mind, stands at par in diplomatic and administrative ability with the best captains of education that America or Europe can show.

Prof. Sudhindara Bose PhD, USA



The Honourable Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya has already won an honoured place in the hearts of the people by his devoted services in the cause of the motherland. He is not one of those who seem to think that the best way to crown one's life-long services to the country is by deserting the national flag at the time of one of the greatest crisis in the history of the nation. He believes in loyalty and not in desertion and therefore he has proved his fidelity to the national cause by being with us during our trying moments.

The Hon’ble Fazlul Haq, Premier of Bengal




In fact Pandit Malaviya has been able to inspire thousands of our young men whose good fortune it has been to carry on their studies in this great institution. We all look upon the revered Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya not only as a founder of this great University but as an institution himself.

                 Pt Iqbal Narain Gurtu, Vice Chancellor, Allahabad University.



His was a spotless, crystal clear life of sacrifice and sadhana, against which no one could ever find any blemish or point finger. If we lift the veil from his personal life, we will not be able to see any unclean spot. In this matter he was pure like a vast open paradise. It was one of his great achievements.

Al Kabeer, Muslim Leader 



Among all the pictures that remain in my memory of friends in India none is more vivid than that of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya. It is among my friends that place him for I felt a deep affection for him and he on his side always treated me as a personal friend even at times of the acutest political controversy. It is among the great men too that I place him. I see his picture as one who combined gentleness with a burning enthusiasm for the causes which he thought right. Thus he exercised a compelling force which gave him power to achieve great and enduring results. Banaras University will be the special memorial to him, but his influence will affect all who knew him throughout India and other lands. So to use words from our Bible, I pay tribute to him as one of those "that were honoured in their generation and were the glory of their times...that have left a name behind them that their praises might be reported".                       

 The Rt. Honble Sir George Schuster, Finance Member, British Gov of India



My memories of Pandit Malaviya are of his exquisite courtesy. Such courtesy is the flower of a fine mind and a kindly spirit. Of all my memories of India the talks I had with him at Banaras in 1932 remain the most vivid. There was no rancor no harshness of thought even -- against anyone. His was the aristocracy of the mind. He was as convinced of the justice of his cause as he was of the value of his view of his religion. With perfect grace he granted to others the right to think otherwise and to feel themselves as right as he. That is the democracy of the intellect -- though I think there was very little of democracy in his political opinions.


In the presence of Pandit Malaviya I felt a sense of holiness -- of something withdrawn. The tiny figure, the delicate face, the clothes of soft white wool, the gentle shudder at the mere idea of unsanctified contacts, were all so different from the cheerful humanity of Mahatma Gandhi, with whom I always feel one can talk as one politician to another.


Gandhi has a great knowledge of, and interest in, even the minute details of politics. I always felt that Pandit Malaviya was, at heart, really quite indifferent as to how this carnal world gets itself governed.

                                  The Rt. Hon’ble Ellen Wilkinson, British MP



Europe is aware of the extent to which Indian education is indebted to Pandit Malaviyaji, but I have not seen before such a great institution which is, to a great extent, the work of one single person. If Pandit Malaviya were not a politician, he would have been considered the greatest leader of the academic world; and if Banaras Hindu University were not his child, he would have been considered a great politician of the world. This is a unique combination in the history of India.

 Col Josiah Wedgwood, Labour Politician



Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, the most active politician in any council. He is a man of beautiful appearance, a brahmin, clad in white, with a beautiful voice, perfect manners.... He is a great leader on the Legislative Assembly.

The Rt. Hon'ble E. S. Montagu, Secretary of State for India



The leader of the party, Madan Mohan Malaviya, is a very eminent man, who, if we take everything into account, is a figure about equal in importance to Pandit Motilal Nehru. With Mr. Gandhi, they make up the triumvirate of Hindu leaders with whom Britain has to deal. He is the same age as his brother Pandit, and he follows the same profession, but his connection with public life has been much longer, for he entered the Imperial Legislative Council as long ago as 1910. He is an orthodox high caste Brahmin, he is Vice-Chancellor of Benares Hindu University, and the influence which he wields and the love and respect which he enjoys among the Hindus are very great indeed.  An Indian member on the Government side of the House, speaking in debate in February last, said that if any one man might be regarded as the leader of the Hindu community, that man was Pandit Malaviya. It is a wonderful thing to contemplate, that one man should be the leader of 200,000,000 and he may with some truth be said to be the leader of them all for in the Hooghly at Calcutta in December he washed the untouchables with his own hands.


It is a nice point whether he or Pandit Motilal Nehru speaks the finer English. Both have acquired a great mastery over the English tongue, but while the Nehru sentences are crisper and more robust, the Malaviya vocabulary is wider, the syntax more flexible, diction more choice. He says hard things about the Government, and often impugns the sincerity of British statesmen, but his bitterness and Pandit Motilal Nehru's fall far short of the bitterness of the Adams brothers, or of the bitterness of Parnell and Healy, to quote two cases of Nationalist leaders against the British. He over responds more readily to generous treatment; no leader was ever freer from thought of self.


Age sits lightly on the slender, erect, handsome figure, clad in white 'achkan' and long white 'dupatta' and there is no faltering in the courage with which, in his sixty-ninth year, he enters in the great struggle of his life.


"His skin was dark as bronze; his face,

Irradiate, but yet severe,

His eyes had much of love and grace,

But glowed so bright, they filled with fear.''


The Pandit is not dark as bronze; he has the normal hue of upper India. But I have quoted those lines of the young Bengali poetess because the rest of the stanza conveys some of the greatness of his heart.

Arnold Wark, British M. P.



Pandit Malaviya was one who had dedicated himself to public service and in that service displayed not only great ability but unassailable political integrity. Pandit Malaviya was a man of vision. Where there was no vision people perished. Progress depended on the existence among us of people who were capable of seeing distant visions, people who, while taking a full part in the affairs of the day, kept their eyes on the future. It was men of that class who provided the inspiration by which the world lived and did not stagnate. It was because Pandit Malaviya belonged to that class of men and ranked high in that class of men that we regarded him as a great man and every party, class and community in the country united in honouring him.

                    Sir Percival Griffiths ICS & Member, Legislative Assembly



“There must be few men in the world who can boast the vision, courage, and persuasive enterprise that enabled Pandit Malaviya to dream of planting a great university, comparable in purpose and administration to the best in Europe”

                                               Patrick Lacey, British Author



Pandit Malaviyaji is a man of very high calibre. He speaks strongly against the Government and lashes the English statesmen. There is no other more selfless leader than him in India.

Arnold Ward, British MP



Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya