Mahamana Malaviya Vidya Mandir
Mahamana Malaviya Vidya Mandir was started in 1990 in Vivek Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow for imparting value-based education. Mahamana Malaviya Vidya Mandir was upgraded to 12th standard in 2004. In High School examination (UP Board) the result was 100% with 40% students getting first Division. The institution is based on the ideals of Malaviyaji and lays stress on physical, mental and spiritual development of the students, inculcation of a sense of discipline, love for Indian culture and Motherland. There are about 300 students, 15 teachers and 5 staff members. Dr. Abhinandan Swaroop is the Principal of the school at present. The result of the school had always been 100 percent with many students in merit. The School committee looks after the management of school.